about me…

I've dedicated my life to shifting power by guiding individuals and systems to embody their values and align with their power.  

I am Angela (she/her), a fiercely loving trauma-informed sexuality coach, racial equity facilitator and embodiment guide. I am committed to movement building and deep healing; to justice and joy.

I have over a decade of coaching experience, starting as a coach to community organizers, helping them embody their values and become stronger organizers. In all of my embodiment coaching, I support others in embracing both the joy and the pain in life and within themselves, recognizing that true freedom comes from accepting and embracing the full spectrum of human experience. It's through this acceptance that we can truly experience - and do our part to create - more liberation.

Like many, I once sought pleasure and validation externally, believing it resided solely in the hands of others. Through self-discovery and a deep dive into sex-positive education, I unearthed a profound truth: pleasure is a deeply personal journey, one we can cultivate within ourselves, regardless of our circumstances.

While rooted in the power of the collective as an organizer and trainer, I have found that movement, dance and exploring erotic power have cracked open for me a path to healing, self-love and individual and collective liberation. 

From Philadelphia, I now live in New Haven, CT.

Relavant Trainings and Background:

  • Certified Sex, Love & Relationship Coach: 650-hour intensive coaching training with Layla Martin and the VITA™ Coaching Method which takes the teachings of modern neurobiology, holistic healing and modern coaching and blends them with ancient wisdom and teachings. VITA™ stands for “The Vital and Integrated Tantric Approach.”

  • VITA™ Jade Yoni Egg Coach: Coaching training of the ancient and sacred tool used for physical and spiritual transformation.

  • Coaching with Spirit: ICF-approved level 1 coaching training through The Graduate Institute focused on incorporating Internal Family Systems (IFS) into coaching practices.

  • Beyond Diversity 101 Facilitator: Intensive 5-day workshops that expose, stimulate and transform the dynamics of systemic oppression at the root level through activating the mind, body and spirit.  Since 2009, I have studied with Niyonu Spann through Beyond Diversity 101, where I am a facilitator. www.BD101.org

  • Organizer’s Path Director: For 5 years, I led a training and support program through CEIO for community organizers to embody their values and become effective leaders.

More about my other work:

  • Bloodroot Co-Director : A self-love photography and retreat project focused on coming home to your body, being seen and catalyzing liberation in the world. www.Bloodroot.Is

  • Swamping Facilitator: A movement release process to move through challenging emotions and embody erotic energy. www.swampnewhaven.weebly.com

  • Co-Creating Effective and Inclusive Organizations and Organizers (CEIO): Partnering with organizations and organizers in Connecticut to increase inclusivity, justice and co-creation. www.CEIO.org